
  1. 本網站所提供的資訊僅供作參考用途。The information provided on this site is for reference only.
  2. 本網頁上的資料並不能代替專業醫生或言語治療師的正式診治或意見。訪客如有任何健康上的問題,請諮詢醫生或言語治療師。The information on this web page does not represent the formal treatment or advice of a professional doctor or speech therapist. Visitors with any health problems should consult a doctor or speech therapist.
  3. 本網站會盡力提供最新及最準確的資訊,但本網站不會對任何錯誤或遺漏承擔責任。This site will try its best to provide the latest and most accurate information, but this site will not be responsible for any errors or omissions.
  4. 本網頁包含之所有資料及載明之各項條款及說明均可能變更。恩典兒童發展及治療中心可隨時停止或更改任何服務而毋須預先通知。用者可否取得該服務需視乎本中心最後之決定及認可。All the information contained in this web page and the terms and instructions contained here may be changed. Grace Child Development and Therapy Centre may stop or change any service at any time without prior notice. The availability of the service by the user depends on the final decision and approval of the center.
  5. 本網站不會對任何因瀏覽、解釋或使用本網站內的資料或服務而導致的直接或間接後果負責。This site will not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of browsing, interpreting or using the materials or services on this site.
  1. 在本網站內的任何資料,其版權均屬恩典兒童發展及治療中心所有。除非得到恩典兒童發展及治療中心的書面同意,否則我們明確禁止複製全部或部份在 “www.grace-child.com”上的任何文件及資料。The copyright of any information on this site belongs to the Grace Children Development and Therapy Center. Unless agreed in writing by the Grace Children Development and Therapy Center, we expressly prohibit the reproduction of any document or information in whole or in part on “www.grace-child.com”.